Guitar Lessons Irvine
The guitar is one of the most ancient and, simultaneously, one of the most popular contemporary instruments worldwide. However, the meaning of “Guitar” is much broader than just one instrument. Under the “guitar” family falls the Classical Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, and Electric Guitar. The variety of styles and genres that can be played on a guitar are endless. There is much beautiful classical music written for the guitar. Flamenco (the traditional Spanish folk music) wouldn’t exist without a guitar. We wouldn’t be able to imagine country music or folk songs without a guitar. Rock and roll, pop, rock, and metal wouldn’t be possible without the guitar.

Guitar Lessons for kids and adults
WePlay Music offers a wide variety of Guitar classes, allowing the students to choose according to their music style preferences and interest. In addition, our highly professional, dedicated, and experienced teachers are there to help those who haven’t yet chosen which path to follow by introducing to them the different types of Guitars and the styles and genres that can be played on each of them.
WePlay Music Guitar curriculum includes mastering different techniques, music theory, note literacy, and style awareness.
Students Age
Kids 7+ years old
Lesson Duration
30 min I 45 min I 60 min
Lesson Type
Individual Lessons
Semi Individual Lessons
Group Classes